Tuesday, October 27, 2009

shagggggg daze

woke up early this morning for the fam for the DSO caffiene-cycling test.

the nurse jabbed the needle into my arm 3 times. and still didnt managed to get enough blood. i think my blood likes to stay where it is, in my body.

o well, still continued with the fam. after an hour, my minds and my legs just didnt want to cycle anymore, so i stopped. uncharacteristically.

skipped food lecture, before going in and falling asleep for the remaining bit of the lect and the next lect too. like wth. might as well sleep in my room.

the highlight of the day was the run with zheng hong and mok. the plan was to do 10 x 2k's at 4:10/km pace. after 6 sets i had to stop and rest for one set. the two of them continued, till 9 sets into it we decided to stop (i did 8 sets). shagged le. not bad. 16k in 1 hour 6 mins around there. whew.....

God answered my prayer last night with the company for the run. I was starting to get sick of training alone, with my own personal targets and no one to be with me through this long and painful journey. thank You.

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