Sunday, October 18, 2009

back on concrete

did a run in the morning... 10 mins warmup, 10 mins hard, then it started raining (passing cloud).... so i hid at a busstop till it passed...

continued again, this time did 15 mins hard before reaching home and did some hip strengthening and core work...

made kebabs for the YA botanic garden outing, NICE! (will put up pic some time)

pigged out like mad at botanic gardens. roti JON, my own kebabs, pineapple tarts, alissa's BRILLIANT! brownies and josh's konyaku jellies.

had alot of fun with the doulos team, played alot of new (and old) games and generally had a great time of fellowship.

went back to hall and went to do groceries for the week.

then i felt like going for another run, so i did. 5 mins warm up then hard for 6.7km (i measured on finished in 28mins. thats 4:10 min/km

not bad at all! best part was that during the run i felt really really good. I was breathing hard but enjying it at the same time. been a long time since i had that feeling.

yay. =D now to get back to my assignmentS.

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