Monday, November 15, 2010

Ironman 70.3 World Championship 2010 Clearwater

I dunno what it means when my blog entries are race reports. But since I'm finally blogging once again, I guess no one should complain.

Training for this race has definitely been different from all my previous races. I had to swim by myself in a 25 yard (as compared to a 50m) pool in school. Cycling was only done twice a week with Tulane cycling and the insane Diego and Steve aka the machine. Running was my one real focus, thanks to the Varsity Sports crew. And this being the World Championship, I knew that I was playing with the big boys in a whole different league. As such, I had very different expectations for this race than all my others. I had aimed to do this race since December last year, when I started the training for the Singapore 70.3 in order to qualify for the World Champs.

Woke up in the morning rather anxious to get down to transition to get all my stuff settled. After a usual oats breakfast and a pre-race banana, we headed down and did the usual preparations. We donned our wetsuits and did a little warm up. Thankfully the water was not as cold as I had expected it to be, and I was feeling a little nervous, but looking forward to FINALLY getting this race underway.

This was my first ever swim in a wetsuit during a race. I dreaded swimming in one because the last wetsuit I owned had such thick shoulders that I got tired very quickly in it. I sold that one off, and bought a second hand Xterra Vortex 3. It had such thin and flexible shoulders that I was able to swim with my normal stroke. Once the horn went off, I charged into the Gulf of Mexico with the rest of my 18-29 wave.

It was insane. I finally knew what it was like to be a middle-of-the-pack swimmer, getting grabbed, slapped, kicked and knocked about by everyone around me. I was pushing people aside as well, trying to get some clear space ahead of me so that I could swim unobstructed.

Near the first turn of the swim, I found myself in the middle of a very large pack swimming our way quickly through. We caught some of the slower swimmers from the earlier waves and kinda swallowed them up then spit them back out behind us. We were like the crazy washing machine from hell.

Got out of the water quickly and employed the quick service of the volunteers to help peel my wetsuit off. Got the bike gear, and mounted DD and it was time to hit the bike course!

Whoever said that Clearwater is a flat course was stupid. It was not hilly, but it was definitely not flat as well. There were a shitload of false flats, and as usual, headwind. Cycling in New Orleans has gotten me pretty used to the headwind around here, but the false flats were definitely something I had not been able to train for in the pancake/soup bowl-like city. Add to this the fact that I had to change my cassette just one week before the race, and was not used to a different cassette ratio. So I struggled to find my usual rythmn during the bike; I was either having to muscle the gears, or spin a bit more than usual.

There were also a shitload number of draft packs that formed up on the bike leg. I know it is not easy to maintain one;s distance on this course, but if I could do it, I do not see a reason why these guys couldnt. I guess they will have to live with the knowledge that they cheated during the world championships.

Anyway, back to me since this is my blog. My left glute started to cramp with 20km (12.5miles) on the bike left. I managed to grab a bottle of electrolytes from the aid station and drank it hoping that it will help with the cramps. Finally, I hit the Gulf to Bay Blvd, which was the homestretch. Up the bridge and down, and I was back in T2. By now, all the athletes from the earlier waves were already running the remaining half marathon.

I changed into my running gear and ran out of transition feeling really good. I found my running legs really quickly and settled into a nice rythmn early on. Then I hit the bridge.

The first half of the ascent was still good, but as I neared the top, my quads started to cramp. I pushed through, and it felt better on the flats. And since most of the time, what goes up must come down, I managed to find my leg speed again and was overtaking alot of people. It was quite a rush and I was happy with my new-found confidence on the run.

Having spent most of the year since last November with shin splints, an injury that had side-lined my running most of the time, it was like a new start for me. After about a year of seeking peofessional advice, icing, grass-running, and massages, I was finally able to run almost-carefree-ly. I felt happy, and relieved to be able to be "back".

Fespite the relative low humidity of Florida, the sun was still out, and I was losing salts faster than I had anticipated. Salt crystals were encrusting on my legs and suit, and I realised this only when I started cramping when running up the bridge again. I was grabbing coke and electrolyes at the aid stations to replenish what I was already almost empty on. Thank gdness that the run leg was an amazing one, and 21km (13.1 miles didnt seem that long).

On the last uphill I cramped bad, I took 10 steps walking, then started running again on the flat top of the bridge, charged downhill, and focused on making a fast return on the last 2km home. Despite my cramps threatening to cramp at any point, I forced myself to just keep pushing onward towards the finish. Hitting the finish line I thanked God for bringing me through an amazing day! Then I a wave of dizziness hit me and I almsot fell into the arms of a volunteer. The bottle of electrolytes they gave me saved me from collaspsing into a a spasm of cramps.

Richard finished shortly after me, while Ling Er made her comeback from her horrific car crash last year to complete as well, followed by Jocelyn and Norman, who had rough days but toughed it out to finish! Must thank them for being such gret travel companions, and the asisstance they gave when I needed it. Thanks also go to Ji Wen for being out one-man support crew, all the wellwishers in Singapore, and to Diego for being my personal bike coach and training buddy, the Tulane cycling team for the rides out on the levee, as well as the Varsity Sports crew for getting me back running and loving it! To Soon Watt for the equpiment support, and KPI for the Shotz electrolyte tablets (which I should have taken more of). Thank you!

Swim- 30:13
T1- 2:57
Bike- 2:32:15
T2- 2:25
Run- 1:38:59
Total- 4:46:49

Monday, September 27, 2010


1. What made you join the Arts pageant?
A good friend of mine who was in the organising committee asked me in a way that I couldnt say no to. Haha, and besides, I thought I should try something new and that it would be fun.

2. Any secret tips to winning Mr Arts?
Nope. Just be yourself!

3. What is the best thing that came out of your win as Mr. Arts?
I wouldnt say that there was a best thing that came from winning it, but the people I got to meet and the friends I made were definitely the highlight of the experience.

4. I’m sure you get loads of attention from the ladies. What do you look for in a girl?
I get attention!? I did get asked before whether I'm a breast or ass kind of guy. To be really honest, I like to look at someone's eyes. Seriously! They're usually the first thing you see about a person, and I think that it really makes such an impression. And at the risk of sounding cliche, she got to be smart (not strictly the academic sense), and confident. Of course, a pretty face doesnt hurt!

5. What is your height and weight?
179cm and 67kg

6. What is your exercise and diet regime in maintaining your physique?
I don't train to maintain my physique. Rather, I train to improve my athletic performance and feel good. Whatever physique there is is just a bonus.

7. Is there anything in particular you eat to keep fit?
I generally eat more whole foods in my diet, which means food that is unprocessed. I find that food can taste really good without all the added chemicals and stuff. I actually like vegetables and fruits alot, so I have no qualms about going vegetarian if necessary, though I do enjoy meat.

8. What food do you stay away from?
Fried food. I really cannot stand dunking so much oil into my system. I felt queasy the last time I tried.

9. What is your favourite food?
Thats a really hard one, cause there are foods that I almost HAVE to eat everyday... But if I really have to name one, Peanut butter on wholemeal bread definitely up there.

10. Are there any favourite foods that you’ve had to give up for the sake of sports?
McDonald's fries. A rare treat nowadays

11. What is the “not-so-naked chef” about? Is there a reason to why to document everything you eat?
It was actually a blog I started for my Sociology of Food module back in Year 2. We had to do a food journal, so I figured that a blog would be easy to upkeep.

12. Cycling, running or swimming? Why?
Another tough one. I like the freedom I get in the water when swimming. Running is really enjoyable when I am just moving along by myself and just feeling the adrenaline of the moment. On the bike I enjoy the speed and company, as well as being the best mode of travelling and exploring places you don't usually get to see. Can't decide!

13. You are very involved in sports. From your blog, I see that you’ve taken part in the Iron Man, and other triathlons. What other sporting events have you taken part in before?
I did table tennis in Pri sch, Air rifle in Sec sch, and was in soccer in JC

14. How many medals have you won (starting from Primary school)?
Too many to count.

15. What is the most severe physical injury you’ve suffered that was sport related?
Shin splints. I'm still recovering from it now.

16. What has been your biggest obstacle (emotional or physical), and why? How did you overcome it?
I got shin splints in October 2009, just as I was aiming for the stan chart marathon. As a result I had to skip the race, and take time off from running. During that time I lost all my running speed and was unable to perform the my best for the 2010 IVP season. Alot of "what if's" entered my mind, but I don't like to look back and mope on "what-could-have-been's"

17. What is the longest distance u have cycled, ran, and swam?
My longest swim was 10km, longest bike 197km, and longest run 42.2km. (All on separate ocasions)

18. How do you balance your busy university schedule with your trainings?
I usually put in half to an hour of training in the morning, then depending on my schedule for the sem I usually have classes around the late morning to afternoon period, before heading to another training session at 6.

19. What is a typical week of your training schedule like?
Swims on monday and wednesday, bike and run on tues and thurs, light training or just complete rest on friday. Saturday will be transition training (swim-run) of some sort and a long bike ride on sundays.

20. We have all experienced the urge while running or cycling to stop for a break. What do you tell yourself mentally to keep yourself going?
I think it all depends on motivation and passion. I have a goal that I want to achieve, and I am willing to put myself through the training to achieve it. And if I don't love what I am doing, then there is no point in doing it. Of course, there are some days when I can feel my body is really fatigued and I'll just take the day off to rest.

21. What is the biggest sacrifice you have had to make for the sake of this hobby/love for sports? Time with friends. Its inevitable, since I got to juggle my studies as well. Its a matter of prioritization, and I know what I really want so I will go do what I have and make some sacrifices.

22. Do you have a special personal routine you go through before your endurance events?
I tend to have the same foods before a race, and get a deep tissue massage two days before.

23. Seeing that you’ve already taken part in the Iron Man, which is among the most physically challenging event around, do you foresee the challenge/motivation dimming in time to come? What other events do you intend to take part in the future?
Before the Ironman, I thought that I would need to take a long break to recover physically and mentally from the race. However, after the race I found myself even more in love with this sport (if that was possible), so as soon as I felt physically able, I was back in training (about 1 week after the race). However, if one day I do lose love for this sport (touch wood!), that is when I will stop doing it. Up next on my schedule is the Ironman 70.3 (meaning half ironman) World Championships in Clearwater Florida.

24. Do you have an ultimate goal in mind regarding this hobby?
Representing Singapore, and going to race in the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii would be the ultimate

25. Besides endurance events, I understand you like hamsters and cooking too. Could you tell me a little more about these interests? Do you have any other hobbies?
Generally I like animals, especially cute furry ones. My mum's a great cook, and I suppose I got some of those genes from her. I like making my own meals cause I know what I am putting in it, and I get to experiement with different foods and styles of cooking. And nothing beats enjoying a cooked meal after putting in the effort and thought into making it. Besides, cooking tends to be cheaper than eating out.

26. What values from endurance events can you take away and apply to your life?
Nothing is really unachievable as long as you believe enough in yourself and put in the effort to make it work. Still trying to apply this to my studies though.

27. If you were to leave the readers with a quote, what would it be?
In today's society, so many people like to pigeon hole things and say"Don't do that, it's too hard" If you want to do something that you are passionate about, then chase it, because it is with only passion that you will succeed. - Chris "Macca" McCormack.

28. "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything You gave me.' " - Erma Bombeck

This quote was listed as one of your favourites. Why? How does it apply to you?
I believe that God gave me a gift in my love for this sport, and I believe that I can use this sport as a platform to reach out to people.

29. Which is more challenging? Final Exam week or running the last lap at a triathlon?
Definitely Exam week. Why? Because I love doing one and I don't love another.

30. Where do you see yourself in the next 20 years?
Still on this Earth I hope. and married.

31. In your blog, you stated that the comment “for his age, he’s quite slow” by your coach’s friend caused you to give up swimming for the next couple of years. Would I be right to infer that discouragements have a very strong impact on you? Are there any other circumstances where discouragement had a similar impact on your decisions?
I think I had quite a low self-esteem when I was a kid, and I was always trying to find out what I was good at. So at that point of time, to hear something like that just made me feel like not swimming for a while (4 years!)

32. What is your source of motivation?
It varies, whether it be winning, or contributing to the NUS Aquathlon team's win, or trying to prove some people wrong, or simply just wanting to fulfil my God-given potential =)

33. Who is your greatest inspiration/support?
Chris "Macca" McCormack. An Australian triathlete who has won countless triathlons at various distances.!/MaccaLive?ref=ts

34. What is the greatest sense of achievement you’ve ever experienced (does not necessarily have to relate to sports)?
Finishing the Ironman, definitely. To have invested and sacrificed so much for a one-day event to swim 3.8km, bike 185km and run 42.2km and to complete it in the time that I did, is something that ranks up there.

35. Does it make a difference to you if you are defeated by a female (as opposed to a male) at sports?
Nope, cause it simply means that she is better than me. And I'll be driven to improve to try and not get defeated again, whether it is a male of female.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beginning of a 4 and a half month journey...

I got a blogging burnout after my previous post. Now that I have finally recovered (or have nothing better to do), I shall make a couple of posts to update!

One month passed quickly after I came back from Frankfurt, and after another hustle and bustle period of settling admin and stuff, I was finally ready (more or less) to head off to New Orleans for my exchange.

But before that, I must thank the people who took time of to send me off, bless me with umm... blessings, and also reminded me of my own birthday.

The NUS Bi team and Tri 21 for the farewell dinner at vivo, plus the horsing around after that. The KPC Kias for the prayers and the birthday cum send off dinner at Bugis.
The poeple from Soon Watt for the "blessings", well wishes, teachings, and all great companionship.
Auntie Michelle and Leo for helping me with getting to the airport, then back home, and back to the airport again for the most frantic checking in process ever.

Flew from singapore to tokyo which was quite ok. Watched 2 shows along the way. Then the flight from narita to minneapolis was a disaster. NO PERSONAL TV!!! and the shows were baddd! slept most of the way for the 12 hour flight. It was insane i tell u.

Spent 17 hours at minneapolis by going to the Mall America. Fantastic mall. There was an amusement park with roller coasters and all inside, plus a huge ass amount of shops. we went around the whole mall before finally heading back to the airport. Our flight was 6 plus the next morning so we just sat at the Mac's and used our laptops while I finished a book.

Two short domestic flights later we were finally in New Orleans! Home for the next 4 and a half months!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ironman Frankfurt 2010

The morning came with us waking up at 3:30am. Had my usual oats and cereal breakfast (a much less smaller portion than usual of course) with an orange before grabbing the gears before Josh and I headed out to meet the rest. It was pretty cold so I was all wrapped up in a jacket and compression.

The shuttle from our hotel to the race ite was pretty fast. In about 20 mins we were there. I had my iPod on with worship songs on. I would either be relying pretty heavily or even meeting my maker today, so I wanted to set the mood right.

Got to my bike and placed my snack bars, pitstop and water on to it, then got the tyres pumped. Since the race starts at 7, I had almost 2 hours to burn before the start, which I used a good chunk of to check out the pros (Macca especially) setting up their bikes. I had 2 squares of Ritter Sport Extra Fine 71% Dark Chocolate to give my body an extra kick.

Macca setting up his Specialized

Josh and I were supposed to meet Teryn before heading out to the lake to warm up, but we couldn't find her so we headed down ourselves. Waited a while before getting in, only to realise moments later that I had lost Josh as well. It would be more than 12 hours later before I see him again.

In order to skip the horrendously long toilet queue, I did my little business in the Lagener Waldsee hoping that will make the water a bit warmer. Since wetsuits and speedsuits were banned for the swim (water temp being about 25C), I was decked out in just a pair of trunks, and I could feel the water coming in warm and cold waves.

The race was to start from a water start, meaning we would have to swim out to a line of buoys and wait for the start signal. Teryn managed to find me near the front of the start. Since the rest of the athletes were moving in to the start line too, there was no way we could swim back through the throng of them to move to a less crowded position. Time to start was 7 mins. The crowd just kept closing in on us at the start line, and we were getting kicked and bumped around even before the start.

7 mins later, BANG and we started the race. The starting pace was frantic. I had people slapping my feet, legs, butt and back as everyone were eager to release all the pent up tension. A couple of hundred metres later I found some space, and legs to draft behind. This usually does not happen, and it was a welcome relief. I would follow a pair of feet for as long as possible, before letting it go, or going past the swimmer and finding a faster pair to follow.

2300 people swimming!

The swim was 2 separate loops, with the first longer than the second. I found my rythmn and glide very quickly, and focused to lengthening my strokes and controlling my breathing. After 59:51, I was out of the lake and ran up the loooonnnnng sandy shoreline up to T1 where I grabbed by blue transition bag and got to the tent to put on my tri suit (thanks to the volunteer who helped me), put in my gels, ran to my bike and brought in out of transition and onto the 185km bike course.

coming out the water

getting to rip it up with DD

Due to some road works along the bike course, there was a change to the bike course from previous years, which added on 5km more to the course. To Singaporeans, we would say that this is a good thing as we are paying the same amount for more (hahaha).

Started the bike at a steady 35 to 36kph. I was mindful to keep the pace steady and not over-extend myself too early. There would be alot more kilometres ahead to push myself. The route took us through downtown Frankfurt to the countryside. The first hill we hit was called "The Beast". Surprisingly, for people living in a continent full fo famous hills, most of the Europeans were pretty bad climbers. They were struggling up the long ascent while I passed them one by one. It was only on the equally long descents that they would zooom past me no matter how hard i paddle on the biggest gear. Somehow gravity works better for them.

"The Hell" was a short 500m uphill stretch that was on cobble stones. I now have newfound respect for the cyclists who do the Paris-Roubaix race. On the cobble stones it felt like my bike was trying to throw me off. I had to hold on for dear life while having to remember to turn the pedals to move forward. The spectators supporting there were amzing though. There were 2 dudes dressed up as the devil and I had fun making faces at them.

having "fun" at "The Hell"

The route through the countryside was full of ups and downs, and many stretches where it looked flat actually had a small incline that made me wonder whether it was the wind, the slight elevation or just me getting tired. I was getting overtaken on the left the nonstop at this point and I just had to plonk my head down and keep going.

The German crowds were really really fantastic. They were all over the place using noise makers, clappers, bells, loudhailers and whatever they could get their hands on to cheer us on. I lost count of the number of kids standing by the side of the road trying to get high 5's. This was most pronounced at "Heartbreak Hill" coming at the end of one loop. It was a straight ascent for a couple of kilometres that was lined with crowds. At some points I could not overtake the other riders simply because I wold ride into a supporter if I went out to the side to tried to.

The many loops of coastal and trainer rides I did for training really helped mentally. 2 loops with this kind of amazing scenery was nothing compared to the supreme boredom of those training sessions. I went out on the second loop still feeling pretty good at this point. My nutrition consisted of GU gels, Natural Valley Bars, and Shotz electrolyte tablets dissolved in water. Going out I was confident that if all went well I would hit my goal of finishing the bike under 6 hours.

At about 130km I was starting to feel a bit of fatigue. I took down another bar and gel to try to delay the onset of any potential cramps. One thing I had done was to write down the names of groups or individuals who had helped me along the way of this Ironman journey. Everytime I took out a pack of gel to down I would see the names, and remember what these people had done for me and what a blessing they have been in my life. It really made the ride more memorable and easier to get through this way.

After what seemed like a long while, I hit Heartbreak hill again. I just spun my way up past the people who were ahead of me once and got to the long downhill stretch that would bring me back into downtown Frankfurt and into T2 finally. The part of my body where the sun never shines was aching so badly at this point as the padding in my tri suit was ridiculously thin.

Having waaaayyy too much fun at Heartbreak Hill

I took quite a big risk by not carrying any spares but 2 Vittoria Pitstops. I saw some people by the roadside having to change their tubular tyres, something I was unfamiliar with and would be an instant game over for me if it happened. I am so glad to finish without any incident of note. I was prayed on the bike that God would keep us all safe for the bike and also to hold the weather up for us.In the end my bike time for the 185km was 5:42.

Finally turning into T2, I saw Luke's wife Karen, and surprisingly, Coach David. What was he doing there? He was all changed and carrying his camera. He was suppose to be out on the bike as well! Something must have happened. Turns out he had a case of hypothermia in the swim, could not breathe and had to dnf.

The volunteers at the transition helped catch my bike and bring it into rack it for me while I grabbed my red transition bag containing my socks, shoes, visor and more gels. Now this was the promblematic bit. Having been blighted by shin splints for the majority of the first half of the year, I had to take a slow recovery back to running fitness. My longest run was 14km just 2 weeks ago. How am I going to survive something 3 times longer after over 5 hours of swimming and cycling? I was going to find out. I said a quick prayer for God to grant me strength for the upcoming 42.2km, and also thank him for the weather He blessed us with.

My goal for the run was to run happy. I just wanted to feel comfortable and run my own pace. Surprisingly, the first 8km was pretty good. I was actually overtaking people and feeling very happy with it, and it showed as I smiled my way through. I even tried to make conversation with a guy running next to me (he didn't reply though, giving me a shag face).

Marathon up ahead!

Then I hit the wall early. My early strides slowed to a shuffle, and all the people I had passed earlier on were reversing the pass. I was just focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. My core was in pain/stitching/almost-cramping so I walked at the aid station to down some water, coke and powerade.

At the third loop I started finding my rythmn again. I was so sick of gels that I was just surviving on the coke, powerade and water the aid stations provided. The spectator support was also incredible. They lined the 4 x 10km run route along the river and kept shouting words of encouragement, calling me by name cause of it being printed on my number tag. The sun was out, but the humidity was much lower than Singapore, so it was a comfotable temperature to run in. This was not the case for most of the Europeans as they were desperately grabbing cups of ice and sponges trying to cool themselves down. Every step now was pain. Blisters were forming especially on my little toe on the right foot, and every step I took made it ache more. The cobble sections of the road we had to run over certainly did not help as the uneven surface made it hurt more.

Pushing through......

After I got the scrungie indicating that I had ran 3 loops, I picked up my pace a bit more. I was really motivated now by the though of finishing. The fourth loop was just a blur as I pushed my way through, digging deep inside to tell myself to just keep going. The smile was gone as I gritted my teeth and just kept going and going. I though about the first Ironman Hawaii World Championship video I had watched. It was 2006 and Chris "Macca" Mccormack was chasing Norman Stadler off the bike. He pulled 9 mins off the lead and gave it his all, coming to just 71 seconds off to finish 2nd. That really inspired me to push through the way I had to.

There was a German wearing a green tri suit and green compression socks that I had seen during the bike and had been trading leads throughout the run. Now I caught him for the last time and pulled ahead. With the last scrungie, I was ecstatic and was focused on the last 4km for the finish.

Running down the finish chute was amazing. The crowd lined both sides of the finish chute and I cheered and highfived with them as I ran down. The feeling is really indescribable. As I reached the finish line I saw the time 10:45:52. I was quite shocked! I don't carry a watch with me when I race, so I had absolutely no idea what speed I was going. I crossed the line, thanking God. I then got down to roll across the line again in memory of John Blais (another inspiration of mine).

AMAZING German crowd giving the race finish a fantastic atmosphere!



I was still in quite a bit of shock at what had just happened, and it took a couple of seconds more for it to sink in. What I had once thought of as almost impossible, had dreamed of, had just become a reality. I almost teared just thinking about it.

Final results:
Swim 3.8km - 59:51
T1 - 5:11
Bike 185km - 5:42:01
T2 - 2:20
Run 42.2km - 3:56:29
Total - 10:45:52 13th in M18-24 Age Group

Thanks must go to God from whom all blessings flow. He had given me a love for this sport, then protected me while I trained for it, provided for me in terms of finances and material support, as well as great company to do this race with. Kept us safe travelling around, as well as in the swim and the bike. Hearing my prayer for strength and his healing hand while I ran 3 times my longest run, not letting my shin splints worsen, and carrying me through on wings like an eagle. All that I had, have and will do is due to His grace an mercy.

Thanks must also go to my travel and race companions. Josh, Coach David, Luke and wife Karen, Kok Sin and wife Agnes, new friends Teryn, Chris, Ram and Sean. To Just, my BFFLF for being my greatest supporter, Jiajie, Jason, Norms, Nicolas and the rest of the NUS Aquathlon Team, Tri 21 peeps for your unending support and well wishes. Soon Watt for the servicing and packing of my bike and loaning the excellent Easton EC90 Aero Wheels which brought me through Frankfurt and over the cobblestones. Macca and John Blais for the incredible source of inspiration you have been. My parents for the logistical support, as well as the many many many friends, supporters and well wishers, thank you all for all playing a part in bringing me through "The Longest Day of the Year".

Finisher Certificate and Medal!


Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Jouney...

This has been a journey that started over a year ago. From my decision to do an Ironman, then obtaining a slot for Ironman Frankfurt and from then on it was all a long road of preparing for what is undeniably the biggest race of my (almost 22 years of) life so far.

Back in Secondary School, I hated running. The 2.4km we had to do for fitness tests was a pain the ass. I knew that I was an above than average runner, but I did not enjoy doing it. The only reason why I ran was to either pass the tests, or to accompany friends, or forced to do so in school inter-house meets. It was only in Junior College that I started to enjoy running more when we had to run 4km for warm up during soccer trainings. I was a goalkeeper and I was able to run with my friends who played outfield. Oddly enough, I enjoyed the company, as well as the silence between me and my beating heart and moving lungs. The adrenaline rush was an added bonus after the run was over.

When soccer season ended, I needed an outlet for all my pent up energy and release from the stress of studying for my A Levels. I turned to swimming.

I had been swimming since I was little. However, due to my lanky build and small frame, I was nowhere near fast enough to turn competitive. I was above-average-fast, but still not fast enough to join the ranks of the club swimmers where Singaporean swimmers blossom. At 13, I did a trial with my coach for the 50m freestyle. When my hand touched the wall, I looked up, and the very first thing I heard was my coach’s friend saying to my coach, “For his age, he’s quite slow.” Upon hearing that, I gave up swimming totally for the next couple (and probably the most important developmental) years of my life. During these years I was active (if you can call such an immobile sport as such) in air rifle and soccer.

I started swimming again in JC after my classes. The nearby pool had been renovated and the facilities were pretty good. I just swam for fun, and doing first 10, then 20, 30 and eventually 40 laps at a go. I rediscovered what I loved about swimming. There was a sense of peace and serenity when I was in the water. Gravity was barely-existent, and I felt free like a fish in the sea (pardon the cliché analogy).

All these continued when I joined the army for my National Service. I was one of the faster runners in my company, scoring high on fitness tests. I continued swimming on the weekends whenever I could. This carried on when I entered the Officer Cadet School and subsequently signed on with the Navy. Factoring in swimming, running and other fitness tests we had to do, I had the best physical fitness in my batch. If not for my course officer’s blatant favouritism, I would have received the best physical fitness award.

In early 2008, I saw an advertisement for the Singapore Biathlon, which was a 1.5km swim in the sea, followed by a 10km run. Seeing how this combined both my two loves together, I registered and began training for it on my own. I would jog to a nearby swimming pool, do a 1500m swim, and then head out for a 10km run. I did this many times to prepare myself for my first ever endurance race.

On the race day, I did the swim quite comfortably in the sea. Then the run came, and I fell in love with it. I was enjoying the run so much, and I felt so comfortable during the 10km. When I finished, there was that immense sense of achievement and satisfaction. I could not wait for the next biathlon!

Many things happened after that. I was even stricter with my own diet than before. I started working out almost every day. I had found an outlet for the energy I had inside, and I was enjoying every single lactate-burning moment of it.

In August that year I disrupted my service to the Navy to further my studies at the National University of Singapore. There I joined the biathlon team. I remember clearly how I heard about two other freshmen who were competing in the Singapore Ironman 70.3. For someone who had cramped during his virgin marathon in May, I was in awe of these two guys. I could not fathom racing for 5 to 6 hours at all. I mean, that is sick, man. I later met these two guys who would become part of my circle of close friends, Jiajie and Jason.

Meanwhile, I was training actively with the biathlon team and loving it. Finally, I got tempted into investing my money into a bike. With much help from Jiajie, I bought an Orbea Aletta Tri Bike, which had to be brought in from Europe as the bike shop (Soon Watt) did not have my size at that time. So I borrowed Jiajie’s road bike to do my first triathlon. OSIM Corporate (Sprint) Tri, a 750km Swim, 20km Bike and 5km Run race. To sum it up, I fell head over heels with doing Tri after that race. That very night, I made the decision to sign up for the following year’s Singapore 70.3 Ironman.

I watched the video of the2006 Ironman World Championships at Kona Hawaii which Jiajie had since passed to me. It was my first time watching an Ironman, and I was fascinated by what I saw. Especially that of Chris “Macca” Mccormack. He is an Australian Pro Triathlete who on that day, came off the 180km bike 11 minutes behind the leader. He ran his guts out and managed to cut the lead down to 90 seconds before he ran out of real estate and finished second. I was inspired by what I saw and how deep he had dug in to do what he had done. I instantly became a fan.

To cut a already very very very long story short, I now find myself about to attempt my first Ironman 1 year 8 months since I started doing Tri. I still hold the same love (or more) for the sport and enjoy it for what it brings me. I thank God that I am able to experience the fruits of the spirit while I am out there, whether training or racing, and the new experiences and friends it has brought me.

In another couple of hours, I will be doing the Ironman, and I will dig deep, I will fight. I will race hard and smart, and I will make sure I will draw from myself whatever it takes to reach the finish line, knowing that on this day I had given my all and have done my best, holding nothing back. And at the end, I... will... be... an...

IM Frankfurt D-2

had a long start to the day today. joined teryn, chris and their friends in their rented car to the lake where we are going to swim on sunday. we got lost along the way and it became a 1 hour long drive there.

when we FINALLY got to it, we werent allowed to park our car inside the park, so we found another way in the woods and "bashed" our car through it to get to somewhere near the lake.


the lagener waldsee is BEAUTIFUL!!! it really is amazing. i lovvve it! i opted not to swim in my wetsuit, and the water was cold at first, but once i got warmed up it was very comfortable and i felt really good swimming in it. i loved the lake so much i was a bit sad when we finished our short swim and had to leave.

so beautiful!!!

bringing the GT cap to frankfurt!

went back to the hotel to slack a while before heading out with coach david and the rest for lunch. we went to the irish bar again, and i had this kickass huge sandwich for just €4.80.


went to the race expo again where i bought the ironman tap watch. after calculating the cost and taking into account the tax rebate, i realize that it was quite a worth it buy so i got it. saw andreas raelert there as well as someone who i suspected was faris al sultan. but i wasnt sure. otherwise i would have taken a shot with the speedo man.

went for the race brief after that. o lo and behold! o joy! it was declared that it would be a non-wetsuit swim! (i dun like swimming in my wetsuit) another thing was that the weather forecast expects the temperature on sunday to run up to 40 degrees Celsius. Seriously??? i came all the way here from singapore just to race in hotter temperatures??? man...


had a great carbo loading dinner with josh as the rest didnt want to eat at the dinner (beats me why). and i got to meet my ironman inspiration Chris "Macca" Mccormack and the flying dutchwoman Yvonne Van Vlerken and got their autographs and photos! super happiness!!!

the flying dutchwoman. just last month she won austria 70.3 by 0.1 seconds.

Macca. Ironman World Champion, ITU World Champion, European Champion, host of ITU, 70.3 and other Ironman wins. This guy has done it all. A living legend in every right.

after all this, we got back to the hotel relatively early and packed our transition bags. all . 3. of. them. this ironman is really different from all the races ive been used to doing. but i must really admit it is very well organized and puts all the singapore races to shame.

ok, tomorrow we´ll be checkign in our bikes as well as 2 of our transition bags. gonna get to bed early too cause i´ll need all the rest i can get!

Friday, July 2, 2010

day 2 of my fantastik frankfurt journey

today we went to the race expo to collect our race packs as well as see the race goodies!

bought quite a bit of stuff. including a pretty expensive but very very very nice jacket that will come into handy when i go to the US... the stuff they have for sale is amazing... they have EVERYTHING... like what im switzerland people said, u can just bring your credit card to the race expo and u can buy all u need for the race there.


trek speed concept. front view below


spent the rest of the day relaxing, chilling, citadel-ing in the room with josh, just resting. after which we went out for dinner with chris and "iron maiden" teryn at an irish pub. food was good and quite reasonable. and did i mention. i LOVE the bread here!!! so nice!!!!! i love bread!!!!

ok gonna sleep. tml morning gonna do a lake swim!

my race tags and stickers

and btw, i met macca in the morning! but soooo stupid i forgot to put in the memory card in my camera... =(

Thursday, July 1, 2010

frankfurt day 1

gonna TRY and blog everyday... stupid inter-continental hotel doesnt have free internet in the room so i gotta go to the lobby to tap free internet...

got to frankfurt last night, heaved by humongous bike box around the airport before meeting coach david and the other adults then headed to the hotel. was too tired after my 23 hours of being awake so i went out like a light the moment my head hit the bed.

woke up at 6am (frankfurt time, which is about 6 hours slower than Singapore) this morning, ate my breakfast (usual oats and cereal) before fixing up my bike. josh came around this time so he came and fixed up his bike with us too.

DD is built! thanks Soon Watt for tuning up my bike, and loaning me the Easton EC90 Aero race wheels!

the plan was to go for the bike tour at 11am. it was going to be one loop of 84km of the race route. quite a number of participants showed up, mostly german. the pace was easy and with the european wind and low-level humidity made it very comfortable despite the bright sun. we barely sweated!

josh and i during one of the few stops

the ride was really fun, and at one downhill section, we were going at 50+ to 60kph without pedaling. REALLY SCARY!!!!!! my hands were on the braking tapping it just a little just to make me feel safe.

the view along the route though, was AMAZING!!! i haev never seen anything so beautiful while on a bike before. just feels of gold and green of the vegetation.if my bike handling was a bit better i would have been able to take shots of the scenery and put it up. but alas, you guys will have to settle for these.



the race organisers were really fantastic. they had guys on motorbikes riding behind, around and in front of us to block or clear off traffic so that we could complete the bike tour pretty much without any unnecesary stops. they even provided water! felt like the tour de france man!

the motorbike riders who facilitated the best bike ride i ever had!

after the ride we went to walk around the city area. josh did quite a bit of shipping, and we had ice cream at EURO 70 cents! thats dirt cheap!!!!! but it tastes great! YUM!!!

dinner was a half chicken and some salad. the food here is quite a reasonable price, and the quality is pretty good as well. hope the weather stays this way on sunday as well. i dun mind the sun, since the humidity level here makes the heat quite bearable, or at least im not sweating like a pig like i would usually do.

ok tomorrow would be time to collect my race pack! gonna turn in! still qutie tired from my flight yesterday...

PS: Macca is staying at the same hotel!!!! AHHH!!!!! and i saw yvonne van vlerken today!!! AHHHHH!!!!! o joy! life has never been better...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

2xu and Shotz

Thanks goes to Sham of Key Power International for helping to obtain sponsorship for some items for my upcoming race at IM Frankfurt!

2xu Elite Compression Tights


Been using my old pair of 2xu compression for almost 3 years now, so about time i got a new one. Thanks so much for the timely gift! It really helps with reducing fatigue and faster recovery after hard trainings, and I wear it to sleep almost every night!

Shotz Nutrition


Shotz Energy Gel - so many flavours! Wild Bean, Cola, Cola Vanilla, Wild Berry, Berry Vanilla, Lemon Lime. At first look I can tell it is going to be quite easy to take down, as it is really smooth, liquid-y, water-y, easily digestible and convenient during a race cause I dun have to wait for a water point. And it has Caffeine in two of the flavours as well!

SHotz Energy Bar - delicious nutritional energy bar with complex carbohydrates, protein and whole grain. Apple Berry and Chocolate Almond flavours. ideal partner when I need something healthy, low fat and low sugar energy packed snack!

Shotz Electrolyte Tablet - no more measuring, no more mixing, no more fuss. Drop one Shotz tablet into 500ml of water and away I go! Very simple, and ideal for me with my insanely high sweat rate to replace the electrolytes i lose during a race to prevent crampings!

this seems a bit show-off-ish, but its just cause im really really happy and grateful for this blessing. Good to know and very heartening to know that there is support for aspiring athletes (especially cash strapped ones) to help achieve their dreams. Thank God for these little blessings along this long journey that has been full of logistical and financial nightmares.

Thank you KPI!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tri-factor Series Tri-bike 2010

The reason why I went back to register for the tri-swim and tri-bike even though I couldnt do the whole series this year, was because I found the tri-factor series really fun, and after last year's positive experience, i wanted to do it again just for fun and for training value.

Last year's tri-bike Josh and I had fun within our pack averaging 36kph before i sprinted my scrawny butt off at the finish. This year, without Josh around, I decided to play it this way: Keep up with the fastest pack that my ability could keep up with.

I got to the race site about 15 mins before my wave's start. And me being the cycling noob i was, put myself in the middle of the start chute. Once the horn was blown, the front group of people went off quickly. All their fresh legs meant that the first lap was already ridiculously fast. I had to ride at 40kph to catch that front group that had quickly broken away. I had to catch on to that pack so that I won't be at a disadvantage just at the start of the race.

The moment I got onto the back of this pack, the front half of this pack attacked. WTH... I jumped out from behind and pumped to catch this new group. The pace was retarded. I was going at 43-44 to close the gap on this new group.

Trust me to have a shit luck. The moment I caught up with this pack, 3 of them decided to break away. WHAT THE HELLLLL!!! It's akin to taking the treat away from your pet dog just as it is about to eat it.

Since I had already committed to chasing down the leaders, I put my head down to catch them again. 43 was the number as I slowly but surely bridged my way up to them. One of the guys looked surprise whn I came up behind them, as if I had just appeared from out of nowhere. I took my time to catch my breath behind them, before the 4 of us took our turns to work at the front, maintaining at about 40kph.

This went on for 3 of the 4 loops. There were 2 roadies, and a fellow tri-biker in our group. One of the roadies was from the geylang riders while the other was a team midpoint guy. The tribiker was on a argon e112. On the 3rd loop, the argon got a gap on the 3 of us, and i wanted to catch back up to him, but the 2 roadies were getting tired by then, and we couldnt close the growing distance, so we let him go.

A huge pack from a later wave had latched onto the 3 of us, but they were pulling at 36-37. I got impatient and went ahead. Bunch of craps just latched onto my rear wheel. Everytime I motioned for them to take over, the pace dropped. I was getting quite annoyed, but there was nothing I could do. So I just worked within the pack to conserve my energy.

At the last turn right with 2km to the finish, I jumped out and went for it. I hit 47kph and kept it around 42-43 after that. With a couple hundred metres more to go I kicked one last time to secure finishing 2nd in the wave, and ultimately 6th overall. huge improvement from last year's 37th place (or somewhere around there) finish. Check the speedo, ave speed was 38.8kph.

I was very pleased because I felt that I had given my best effort. I was not let down by myself but just by riders who didnt want to work.

Thanks must go to Soon Watt for lending me the pair of EC90 Aero Tubular race wheels. They really made a difference. Thank God for keeping me safe during the race too. Saw one guy who had to get his face bandaged (ala Amos) because of a crash.

I was impressed by the guy on the e112. I chatted with him after the race and it turns out he only started riding in Jan this year. This is one sick sick dude.

I went for another 60km with a number of hills in between, then headed out for a run with turned into a run/walk as i melted and dehydrated from the 12 noon heat.

The prep for frankfurt is more or less complete. Tomorrow onwards I will be tapering for the biggest race of my life so far. I pray for strength and protection as I head towards the end of this loooooonnnnnggg journey.

Monday, June 14, 2010

getting chicked

Definition: Only applicable to men. Refers to a male athlete being beaten by a female contemporary. Eg; Jon got chicked in the pool today during swim training.

Goodness. i am so smashed from swim training today. Even yesterday's 150km bike ride didnt feel so tiring. For the second week, Christine and Jing from Georgia Tech's swim team joined us for swim training today and just whooped my ass. Or, to put it in simple terms, i got chicked.

Christine is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. She said she was a short-d swimmer, most being 200m. Crapppppp... Her long-d still kicks butt. She did a blazing fast 5:15 during a 400m target, chicking me by a good 14 seconds. I found her player profile here.
Scary stuff.

Jing also kept up the pressure behind me so that there was no way i could slack. And this was her being " out of shape " (i know a particular someone who would say that any shape is a shape) and she is still fast! check out her profile here.
holy shite... 16:57 for 1650...

but despite the obvious ego-bruising, i really enjoy swimming with the two of them. its been a while since i had someone who could push me (or pull) during swim trainings. my swim's been stagnating for a while, and these two freakish-ly fast ladies came at the right time to help me peak for IM frankfurt. its really a privilege to be able to swim with them. and with the way things are going, i can only improve! so away with the ego and bring on the "chicking"!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"in the midst of the pounding of my heart, straining from my lungs, i found peace"

last week, i had a moment where i saw things. clearer, more defined, and perhaps, enlightening.

heck it, make that three moments.

during a trainer hills session, i found a rythmn that comes with the efforts u look for when climbing. it was also amongst this that i found the moment to be peaceful. even as my legs were burning from the lactate, sweat dripping down my face and my chest heaving in and out, i found that part of me that loved this sport, the passion that burned as much as parts of my body did.

then, another session where i went for a 7km run, and i found my tempo. as my feet pound the tarmac along the pitch black pavement, (the street lights were off for some reason) i felt at peace. even if the effort was hard and my mind was prompting me to keep up the pace, i found the joy that i used to have when going out for my long runs. and i loved it.

friday night i went for a long swim session and after i was done with the whole session, i did a backstroke to just swim down. the pool attendants had turned all the lights off, and i was just looking up into the night sky. there was no sound but that of my breathing and my arms splashing. in that i felt peace.

its been a while. maybe i have overlooked them in the recent times, or maybe i was simply not looking for them. but in a week where i was coming back from a week of recovery that was supposedly for the body, i found a mental recovery as well. as if it was a remind of why i was doing this sport. it maybe hard, painful, tiring, excruciating and time consuming (anymore adjectives?)

but like a cigarette to a smoker, or a whiskey to an alcoholic, or even power to a despot, this is what i draw meaning, peace, joy and passion from. triathlon.

thank you Lord for this particular blessing. and to re-post a quote i once put up here.

" When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything You gave me.' " - Erma Bombeck

Friday, June 4, 2010

short notice

shall post a quick one since i manage to wake early and get a short brick session done first thing in the morning...

this week has been good. it maybe saying something that i gauge how good my week has been from the quality and quantity of my training, but it makes me happy, so why not. been putting in some solid workouts this week as compared to the pathetic-ness of last week. run is starting to come back, and im in a good mood cause of it, since i really do like to run (even though its the most painful part hahahahahaha sadist)

i think that there maybe a correlation between my performance and bodyweight. last week i weighed about 67kg (which was about my weight for the past 2 - 3 years) this year i've been at 68-69kg the whole way, so maybe the sudden drop in weight may have affected my training. yay, excuse to eat more =p

sent marianne off for her 10 month africa stint the night before. cant believe that i'll say this, but i think i'll miss her. i've known her as long as i have known my best friend (cause she's his sister. DUH) and even though we dun talk that often, she's always been a cheerful Godly friend that i could look to for some intelligent nonsensical conversations (and the occasional bickering. hahaha) wish her all the best in africa. maybe she'll bring back a pet lion. =D

ok gtg. i did say this was a short update.

Friday, May 28, 2010

run-bike-swim-carbo load. Reverse Tri!

ran 4km with the KPC kias this morning for R4TW, was good, though the blistering pace set by bryan was quite painful, but glad i managed to hold it for most of the way to finish ahead.

then it was onto my bike to head out to mt faber for my weekly hills session. bumped into the cychos (not literally), and continued my loops after they were done. did 15 painful loops in total, then headed home slowly. total mileage 100km.

rested a while at home before heading out for a short swim, 2km at delta, then headed to vivo marche to meet the team for the farewell and gathering dinner for delphine. as usual, time spent with the team was great fun. had a crepe with smoked salmon and chicken, which turned out to be super filling that all i could fit in more was some salad and i was done.

really happy to have done such a hard day of training after 4 days of not much training done. i'll treat those 4 days as a recovery week. tomorrow stretch and rest and get ready for sunday's long ride again. things are looking good again!

Monday, May 24, 2010


ok! i know it's been eons again since i last updated, so here's one...

the exams were tough, but fun. i had 5 papers in the lengthy period of 4 days. but studying with the team in the library for the 2 week period lead up up to that made things much more enjoyable (if u can call exams mugging that) and motivating. we pulled each other through the season, we pulled each other through the exams.

then the hols came, and for the first time since i ended my A levels i got to take a break, mind you, that is from 2006, FOUR years!

i applied for no pay leave from the navy, so i can use the free time to train for my Ironman. Training has been going quite well, my bike is getting stronger and my long rides are going according to plan, progressively of course. Swim is still the same, though im still getting used to the use of the wetsuit, cause it is still very stiff since it's new... Have just started running again after 5 weeks of rest, looking good at the moment, though i will still have to take it slowly and steadily so i dun get the shin splints back again.

yup, thats about it so far, quite boring, but it's a routine that im comfortable with and im enjoying it. looking forward to going for exchange next sem, new orleans here i come!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Season in Pictures

5 races in 7 weeks summarized in photos below. Like they say, a picture speaks a thousand words...

Waikiki Aquathlon (Sprint D - 750m swim 5km run)

Leading the swim

Thanks Fana for this!

Changing on the run. In a sprint every second counts.

Dying on the run.

NUS team 1 wins!

The team's first race and victory!

Sing Bi (1.5km swim 10km run)

Enough said.

TeamNUS Aquathlon at Sing Bi 2010

Aviva Ironman Triathlon 70.3 Singapore (1.9km swim 90km bike 21km run)

Men's 18-24 from NUS and SMU. Thanks Xterra for making great speedsuits.

First out of the swim for my age group in 32mins

Another Fana photo. Posing for the camera before going out to suffer on the bike course.

Trying to beat the wind while the motorbike drafts me. =p

Suffering. Pain. Agony. Argh the result of not being able to train my run...

Finishing in 5:14 and thanking God. 6th in my age group.

Norman and I claiming our slots to go to Clearwater for the 70.3 World Championships.

NUS Bi (800m swim 5km run)

Men's Wave 1 getting ready to go

Balancing. Really. The floor was wet and slippery.

A personal victory here.

The best part of the day

Finishing 3rd in the Men's Invitational Cat. Mok holding Josh and I together so we wun fall off.

NUS wins big for the IVP. Again.

OSIM Int'l Tri (1.5km Swim 40km Bike 10km Run)

Ready to go!

First out of the swim again on a tough swim day. Love the Xterra speedsuit.

Hammering the bike after my bad technical and noob mistake which wasted my swim lead.

Not in picture. Josh and Lemin overtaking me on the run. Now running for 3rd place.

The moment when my season ended. Thank you Lord.

NUS sweeps the podium in a 1,2,3 finish. Josh 1st Lemin 2nd Me 3rd