Sunday, June 5, 2011

yesterday i watched this clip of armageddon on youtube

the last part where bruce willis says goodbye to liv tyler made me tear

its been a long time since i felt that way. besides that one time where i made you our promise, my tear ducts have been relatively inactive.

i used to feel alot. almost every single little thing, and i would get affected by it. but heartbreaks and disappointments one after another, i started to desensitize myself over things. slowly, i built up my walls, and hid myself behind them. there was no point for me to show that was 'soft' in this world. my background have made me had to work/fight for what i wanted, and i couldnt show a weakness, not to those out of my closest circle anyway.

but yesterday i realised that with you, some of those walls have come down. and im starting to feel more once again. whether its a good or bad thing remains to be seen, but so far, things that have come with you tend to be good.

missing you already

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