Sunday, June 19, 2011

celebrate father's what?

a friend shared this on facebook today

God created men, called them to be fathers and charged them to lead a family. Families are destroyed because men fail to lead as a father. Conviction of the day: "Created as a male, chose to be a man, called to be a father, charged to leave a legacy."

looking back on the past 22 years plus, i never saw my dad as an example to follow. in fact, there were never much highlights. or rather, positive highlights. all i remember were the negative ones. the beatings, the abuses, the unreasonable-ness, the quarrels with my mum, the bad decisions, especially the ones which got my family into debt, and the once-in-a-blue-moon-but-too-little-too-late moments of regrets that he showed.

dont get me wrong, it is not so much of hatred, but rather disappointment that i have with regards to him. our relationship could have been so much more, and i would be so much closer to my parents, just like what other kids have, such as just and uncle rodney. but i feel i never had much of a family bond to being with, partly thanks to the lack of a role model.

when i saw that facebook post, it reminded me of a duty that men, husbands or fathers, should perform. and my dad barely did any of that.

there is though, one think i learned from him. he showed me how not to be a man, and rest assured that i will do much better as one.

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