Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Its been about a month since I got back to Singapore. But more significantly, its been that amount of time since I left New Orleans. And freaking hell I miss it.

Woke up one morning thinking that I'll do a 3 miler along the St Charles streetcar track. Then I realised that I was back in Singapore.

I miss the friendly strangers in the Crescent City, how you can strike up a conversation with people around.

I miss the St Car, going down the GORGEOUS St Charles, with the really nice architecture houses. Heck, I even miss the hugeass potholes.

I miss the beautiful campus of Tulane.

I miss Walmart. It has like, everything. And Whole Foods, one of my favourite haunts with its wide variety of food, the pizzas, the baked goods, all from wholesome ingredients!

I miss Magazine St. Away from the big malls and conventional shops, and a whole street that goes on for really really long of shop houses, each unique and different in their own way.

I miss going to the Lakeside, just watching the water on a nice sunny day...

I miss the French Quarter, how it comes alive at night, and the live jazz music there.

I miss watching the Saints games, at least during normal waking hours.

I'm gonna be missing a whole host of races. The Mardi Gras Marathon, the Crescent City Classic, the Pelicanman (no chance to defend my title), Barathon, The NOLA 70.3 IM.

I'm also gonna miss the Mardi Gras itself!!!

But most of all, I miss my friends. Those from the Papillon Apartment, the Chuangs, Diego my cycling buddy, the TU cycling team, the classmates I was just starting to get to know, and of course, the Varsity Sports crew!

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