Sunday, November 15, 2009

my achilles heel

the dream: do a 3:10 for stan chart and qualify for boston marathon. (and probably be the youngest singaporean to run there)

the plan: run from hall to home this morning. total 30km.

the worry: shin splint on my left leg thats recovering.

the reality: shin splint didnt act up. BUT achilles tendon (i think. more or less) on my right leg protested against the exertions. after 18km when i reached ECP i couldnt run anymore from the pain. walking to find a bus stop to get home was the most painful walk i ever had. felt like screaming the whole way.

the remedy: iced it when i got home and it got better. now still really sore though.

the conclusion: thinking i should give up stan chart (im leaning towards giving it up) and lay off running for a month or so after RP Bi this weekend till everything shit thing in my legs recover. the bigger dream is still next year's Sing Bi and Aviva and Frankfurt.


Anonymous said...

u dream too big my fren.. 3.10 is not easy and perhaps u chicken out knowing u cant do it.. so dont tell everyone u gonna do a boston when u cant!

Norman Lin said...

dude,i think your dream is really do-able..dun give up,but please recover first..u've been torturing your body for too long le.. =] no doubt u're improving like crazy, you mustn't forget to rest and taper your training.. You can't just keep going up right? Take care of yourself for now yah, and you will DEFINITELY be able to be there at boston!

jon said...

to anon: if i did a 3:20 plus for sundown with the crap of a route it has, stan chart 3:10 is doable. u dunno what u can do if u put your mind to it. try it.

to norms: thanks yea think i need a break too hahaha...

Anonymous said...

3.20? i tot the second runner-up only did 3.25.. and ur name is not in the list too. btw, stand chart route is crap as well and damn hot! unless u run in gold coast ;)

jon said...

3:20 PLUS... i was running under someone else's name... and my timing recorded was wrong. timing band screwed up... at least stan chart is flatter and no overhead bridges...

Anonymous said...

STumbled across your blog via other tri blogs.
Although I haven't seen you race before, I'm pretty sure that mental strength will push you through it.
Try taking two whole weeks off ( i know, it drives us athletes crazy ), but after a stress fracture to the femur a few weeks back and recurring shin splints, i finally gave into that rest, and now i'm back and running. two weeks off before a marathon might seem like suicide, but look at paula radcliffe, she went into the olympics with only done mostly cross-training, and although she didn't get the medal she wanted, she still ran great. same thing for the NYC marathon. Also, go check out the sports doc, shin splints can always be something sinister. he'll get it checked,and if its stress-fracture free, he'll give you the go-ahead to run. if not, take it easy. better to take a couple weeks of now than pay for it much later. Steroid injections might be offered to help with the pain on race-day itself, but the doc has to administer it.
godspeed. anon #2

jon said...

thanks, anon #2, will KIV the advice...