we made it through one semester.
this has probably been the best semester i have ever had in NUS. needless to say, you were one big reason for it.
we weathered the toughest part of the school term. i saw you at your lows, and i tried my best to be there for you.
now im hoping that i will have two more awesome semesters like this one. or even awesome-r.
honestly im a little apprehensive. blame my lack of discipline the past 2 years to not have worked harder. this sem your constant presence in the libraries and study areas have made me study much more than i used to. thank you
last night, as we were by ourselves (with a drunk guy sleeping on the table nearby) and everything else drowned out, it felt just right.
now we wait for the exam results. but wherever the road goes, as long as you're by my side, it should be good.